Author Archives: Marcy Cruice

Find Your Path in 2015 with The Detoxitarian’s Desire Map Workshop

Find Your Path in 2015 with The Detoxitarian’s Desire Map Workshop


Please welcome Marcy E. Cruice, HHC, “The Detoxitarian” and Licensed Desire Map Facilitator, for a Guest Post this week.


At the core of everything we do and every decision we make is a desire. A desire to feel good, to feel happy. Likely, we are striving for something that we hope will give us that “good” feeling. But, let’s be real, good and happy are pretty vague. What does good feel like? What does happy feel like?


We tend to seek out the things that we hope will make us feel good, it’s human nature. And, sometimes it works. But what about when it doesn’t? What if we could get really clear on the feelings we want most and start generating those feelings right now instead of waiting and hoping for them?


This is exactly the conversation that Marcy E. Cruice, a Chicago-based, licensed Desire Map Facilitator is starting. She attributes her recent personal and professional transformation to her discovery of The Desire Map and the uncovering of her core desired feelings. From accepting love to the birth of her online coaching program, THE DETOXITARIAN™, The Desire Map was a complete game-changer. It provided her with the clarity and insight to rearrange her perspective, her expectations, her decision-making process and her relationship with her feelings and she is excited and ready to share this experience with you so you can start to create a life that you love!


Beginning in January, Marcy will be hosting workshops and retreats based on The Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte that will guide you through the process of getting clear about how you want to feel: in your work, your relationships, your home, in your body. By exploring the five major areas of your life, you will be given the opportunity to examine how you are currently feeling and how you want to feel. You will uncover your core desired feelings, the feelings you most want to feel. You will: be supported and provide support, connect with a new tribe of like-minded men and women, experience an indescribable energy and accountability, play with words, create, expand.


If there is anyone capable of guiding you through this transformation, it’s Marcy. She is inspiring, passionate, fun to be around and maintains an incredible balance between emotion and logic. She is from Logan Square and works independently as a health and lifestyle coach. She is passionate about living deliberately and works with her clients to assess their health and lifestyle goals, remove the blocks and to commit to progress.


Through her unique and self-created approach, Marcy has led her clients to lose weight, increase energy, kick nasty illness, transform relationships and careers, discover clarity, learn how to grocery shop and meal plan, ask the tough questions, identify and eliminate food allergies, remove toxins and decrease cancer risk.  She hosts workshops and events; provides corporate wellness and business consulting; leads grocery shopping tours; speaks; runs online programs and books clubs, and more! As an extension of THE DETOXITARIAN™, she recently became licensed as one of the first Desire Map facilitators because “the clarity that desire mapping uncovers almost immediately removes a set of mental toxins that undoubtedly are causing us stress and holding us back.” She will be the first to host these exclusive workshops in Chicago!


Winter Desire Map workshops take place on January 17-18 and February 7-8. Sign up before the spots are filled!


Marcy Cruice


Desire Map Workshop


Desire Map Workshop


Desire Map Workshop


Marcy Cruice


To learn more, visit Be sure to connect with her on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and sign up for updates and announcements and random doses of desire.


{Photos courtesy of Marcy E. Cruice and Sylvia G. Photography}